LPC Workshops and Training
The following LPC workshops and training are available to support you and your teams. Please note these rates are based on sessions hosted in the Lower Mainland area of British Columbia, Canada and virtual sessions (any location). Out-of-town fees and arrangements are required for in-person sessions hosted outside of the Lower Mainland.
Working in First Nations Communities
This training is for non-Indigenous professionals who work in First Nations communities.
$1,850 +GST
Up to 3.5 hours
Decolonizing Education
This training is for professionals who work in the Canadian education system: public, private, and post-secondary.
$1,850 +GST
Up to 3.5 hours
Transformative Leadership Training
This training is designed for team coordinators, supervisors, managers, directors, executive directors, leaders, and human resources staff. This session will equip participants with professional tools for embedding equity into their leadership style as well as creating culturally safe processes for leading teams and organizations.
$1,850 +GST
Up to 3.5 hours
Anti-Lateral Violence Training
This session aims to expand teams' shared understanding of what lateral violence is, what it looks like, how it is sustained, and how to address it, with the goal of
establishing cohesive teams to support communities in healthier ways.
$3,700 +GST
Up to 3.5 hours
Introduction to Cultural Safety Training
This session introduces the practice of Indigenous Cultural Safety as a safety initiative for teams and organizations.
$1,850 +GST
Up to 3.5 hours
Indigenous Trauma & Equity Informed Practice
This session aims at expanding our social perceptions on the missing context not usually covered in other ‘trauma-informed’ workshops. This session will centre Indigenous perspectives on the change needed and required to go beyond being “informed” and lead towards culturally safer and equity-oriented organizations and services.
$1,850 +GST
Up to 3.5 hours
Decolonizing Substance Use
This course will explore the link between colonialism and Indigenous health and
social inequities with a focus on the toxic drug crisis and its impact on Indigenous
communities today. Participants will discuss the origins of prohibition in Canada, strategies to address stigmas associated with substance use, examine culturally safer language, and Indigenous perspectives on harm reduction.
$1,850 +GST
Up to 3.5 hours
Indigenous Allyship & Anti-racism Training
Being an ally is not a static identity, it is not a badge of honor, it is a sign of privilege. Allyship is also not declared but based on the context in which you ACT. This course unpacks the similarities and differences for being an ally to Indigenous peoples in relationship to other ally contexts.
$1,850 +GST
Up to 3.5 hours
Two-Eyed Seeing
Two Eyed Seeing (2ES) refers to the interweaving of western and Indigenous worldviews. This course is to help Indigenous and non-Indigenous participants
develop or enhance their ability to interchange their professional lenses to better understand and support Indigenous peoples and programs. 2ES is about learning and adopting Indigenous knowledge and values in their frameworks of professional philosophy, policy, and practice.
$1,850 +GST
Up to 3.5 hours
Longhouse Experiential Learning
This session brings participants into the context of Indigenous culture and
community. Workshops take place in the longhouse setting with ceremony, food,
songs, and open dialogue among participants.
Approx. $6,900. +GST
Up to 3.5 hours